WatchGauge Weekly Windup – 9/7/17
We’ve had a fantastic past two weeks since launching WatchGauge.com
WatchGauge News:
The introductions of the Gorilla Fastback and the NTH collection has been a great success! The Gorilla Fastback’s are nearly sold out worldwide and we have a few left on WatchGauge.com! We’ve purchased the remaining inventory of the NTH Tropics so WatchGauge is the only place they can be purchased world wide!
WatchGauge in the Press:
WatchGauge has been featured on TempusFugit.Watch and QuillandPad.com which is huge! A big thank you to James Henderson and Elizabeth Doerr!
Last week we recorded an episode of MyWatchLifestyle.com and ‘Cooking with Watches” with Ty Brown as well as the Hourtime Show with Victor Marks. I had so much fun doing both shows and you can be sure that I’ll be posting them once they’re up and live on their sites!
WatchGauge at Events:
I will be attending the Diver’s Watches Facebook Group Get Together this weekend in Connecticut as well as a special event at the Bremont boutique in NYC which is co-hosted by the RedBar Crew! Although the Bremont thing isn’t Micro Brand related, I’m a watch geek so I’ll go to any cool watch events that I can!
So we’ve been busy building WatchGauge.com and supporting the Micro Brand community!
We thank you for all of your support and if you like what we’re doing, don’t forget to subscribe, share, like, and retweet on all of our Social channels!