WatchGauge featured on Quill & Pad
Elizabeth Doerr is known as one of the most accomplished, respected, and well known writers in the wristwatch industry, and I am proud to call her my friend. But when I was in the planning phases of WatchGauge, she had said to me on a few occasions, “we just don’t feature anything on Quill & Pad that doesn’t revolve the Haute Horology segment of the industry (meaning watches that are $4,000 and up), so we won’t be able to cover WatchGauge. I completely understood, without thinking a second thought about it.
After our launch, and the introduction of Gorilla Watches, she reached out to me and said, “hey, I think you’re doing something very different in our industry and you’re really on to something. I’d really like to write a post on WatchGauge”
So without further ado, click here to see what she wrote. I am quite thankful and proud.