John Keil Talks Rolex on The Urban Gentry Channel
Tristano (TGV) of The Urban Gentry and I are friends. I often help out with The Urban Gentry channel as well as the community of TUG including its' Facebook group, the UGWC.
And as the watch geeks that TGV and I are, we often banter back and forth about what we like and don't like in brands, styles, movements, etc.
A few years ago, I wrote a blog post for Quill & Pad titled 5 Reasons I've Never Owned a Rolex. Recently TGV stumbled upon that post and read it. A few days later we were on a road trip to Philadelphia for business and in the car he said "John, this can't be true! You've never owned a Rolex?!?".
I replied, "Yes T. It's completely true". Even though he read the article he asked me about my reasons and we had quite the conversation during our trip. We discussed and debated for over an hour on the topic.
He called a few days afterward and said, "we've go to have the Rolex discussion for the channel! It'll make for a fun episode!".
So last week I went into UGHQ and we filmed the episode, and it was indeed a ton of fun.
See for yourself... Enjoy!